Dapedersen's blog

Is Jesus king in your life, too?

27:37 Matthew “Above his head they placed the written charge against him: this is jesus, the king of the jews.” (NIV)

Jesus went through beatings, mocking, a crown of thorns, and more. Another man needed to carry his cross. They nailed Him upon the cross and put it in the ground. They gambled for His clothes. They also put the sign above His head listing His crime. It was accurate. He was Jesus. He was king of the Jews… but He was SO MUCH more! He was savior, redeemer, friend, healer, leader, teacher, and on-and-on. He is now our King… forever!

We put Jesus on the cross!…

27:25 Matthew “All the people answered, "His blood is on us and on our children!"“ (NIV)

Pilate found no reason to put Jesus to death. The crowds however would not be calmed. They wanted Jesus to be crucified. Pilate took water and washed his hands saying that he was not responsible for shedding innocent blood. The people said that they and their children would take the blame for His death. That is still true. He died for our sins. His blood covers over them ALL. We can only be free from sin when we accept His gift of salvation for us!!

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