We put Jesus on the cross!…

27:25 Matthew “All the people answered, "His blood is on us and on our children!"“ (NIV)

Pilate found no reason to put Jesus to death. The crowds however would not be calmed. They wanted Jesus to be crucified. Pilate took water and washed his hands saying that he was not responsible for shedding innocent blood. The people said that they and their children would take the blame for His death. That is still true. He died for our sins. His blood covers over them ALL. We can only be free from sin when we accept His gift of salvation for us!!

Copy this blog or the link to it and then share it in an email to route this verse to all of your friends, family and co-workers for His kingdom. Ask if they feel that they helped to put Jesus on the cross. Ask if they feel that He died for their sins. It was because of our sins and sinfulness that He went to the cross. We now receive the benefits of having Jesus die for our sins. We have life eternal with Him. So, Take Time For God’s Word frequently and remember 27:25 as a response that His blood is on us…for forgiveness. The response of the people was meant for that moment in time YET it really foreshadows the magnitude of Jesus death. His blood was spilled for people at that time and for ALL of time. We put Him there. We condemned Him to die. He did so willingly. He stands ready to forgive us… if only we will ask Him for that forgiveness. Praise Him for that great love!!

We extend our prayers for all of the youth pastors and youth leaders. Summer mission trips are now done. Stories about their impact are exciting. Students have grown deeper in their faith. Many were blessed by those outreaches from our youth. Now begins the school year activities and planning for next year’s trips. It is a challenge to keep kids involved. Encourage them. Support them. Help if you can. Listen to their experiences. Be that blessing to them. Pass it on by being His love to those near or far.

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