Love held Jesus to that cross…

27:42 Matthew “He saved others," they said, "but he can't save himself! He's the king of Israel! Let him come down now from the cross, and we will believe in him.” (NIV)

Jesus was slowly dying on the cross. Pharisees and religious leaders taunted Him. They said He should come down. Then they would believe. Rebels on the other crosses also gave insults. Jesus could have come down from the cross but He was planning how He would rise from the grave. That miracle gave us new life. It gives us hope even in our darkest hours. Saving himself would have been easy. Saving the whole world from sin… that took all of His love and power to accomplish. Thank Him each day!!

Click ‘Like’ on this post and click ‘Share’ to pass along this verse to close friends and family. Ask if coming down from the cross would have truly changed the Pharisee’s minds. Ask if it would have had a worldwide impact if He had only done that. God’s plan needed to be fulfilled. Jesus needed to die for our sins so that God would raise Him up and now we are freed from all of those sins. Rejoice in that miracle. Then Take Time For God’s Word daily and think about 27:42 and that it was love that held Jesus to that cross. He took no shortcuts. He suffered fully and completely for us. He was lifted down from the cross only to be raised from the dead. He lives so that we too shall live with Him. Awesome!! Live in that joyful news every day!

Today our prayers go out to all of the Christian preschools and day schools around the country. While this may represent nearly 25% of all schools, it accounts for less than 10% of all students. It is vital that we encourage and support education where teachers and students are free to share their faith and grow spiritually. It is a priority for parents, churches, and believers to support and fund this option. Help where you can. Be a blessing to them. Pass it on through sharing your faith and love for Christ.

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