Is Jesus king in your life, too?

27:37 Matthew “Above his head they placed the written charge against him: this is jesus, the king of the jews.” (NIV)

Jesus went through beatings, mocking, a crown of thorns, and more. Another man needed to carry his cross. They nailed Him upon the cross and put it in the ground. They gambled for His clothes. They also put the sign above His head listing His crime. It was accurate. He was Jesus. He was king of the Jews… but He was SO MUCH more! He was savior, redeemer, friend, healer, leader, teacher, and on-and-on. He is now our King… forever!

You can give our verse to friends, family and neighbors by copying this blog post or by sending it as a link to them in an email. Ask if they knew what was written above Jesus head on the cross. Ask if they felt that was a good description of His ‘crime’. The Jewish leaders did not like that statement yet Pilate would not change it. It was true. It stated clearly who Jesus was that day. Continue to Take Time For God’s Word frequently and recall 27:37 as reminder of who Jesus was. Know that it was a limited view of Him yet it was still true then and even more true as He continues to be King of all of heaven and earth. Be loyal to His Word. Be passionate about following Him. Be His loving hands and feet as you go out to share His grace with others! Thank Him daily for that great love and sacrifice.

We pray for all of the Sunday School teachers and helpers at our churches and in our fellowship groups. Many feel that is their calling and ministry. They have been doing it for years and years. They are faithful to share His love in this manner. They do it gladly. They want others to know Him as savior and friend for life…and longer. Thank them for that commitment. Thank them for that witness. Help out if you can. Be a great encourager to them. Then stay blessed and pass it on through your own witness and actions each day.

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