Do you admit that you know Jesus?

26:72 Matthew “He denied it again, with an oath: "I don't know the man!"” (NIV)

Peter gets called out from the shadows. People recognize him. They have seen Him with Jesus. Peter denies it…three times! Jesus knew him well. He was brave when with Jesus. He was fearful when alone. Sounds about like us. Let us seek to be strong in faith even in the toughest situations in life. Tell others that you know Jesus AND what’s even greater is that He knows YOU!! That’s the miracle in all of this… that Jesus knows us and still loves us and forgives us. That’s Good News!!

Please route this verse to family, friends and co-workers in the kingdom by copying this blog or this link and emailing it to them. Ask if they have been called out to give a witness to their faith in Christ. Ask how they did and if it was in a friendly crowd or in a hostile audience. We should be prepared to proclaim our faith regardless of the audience. Take a stand for Jesus today. It will make a difference in you and likely in others, too. Then, Take Time For God’s Word during the day and remember26:72 as an example of what it means to fail to speak up for Jesus. Notice that Peter denied it ‘with an oath’. He wanted them to believe him. He was scared. He did not want to get caught. He wanted to get away. He forgot to trust in Jesus. He only trusted in himself… and he failed badly. Let this verse encourage you to be bold in living for Jesus every day. It is truly the only life worth living now… and forever!!

Pray for any missionaries that you know personally. Pray for their families. Pray for their safety and effectiveness. They live by faith as they leave all the familiar to go to places very unfamiliar and even unfriendly. They want to reach others with the Gospel message. They want others to know Jesus. They want others to receive salvation and eternal life. Reach out to these friends. Call, write, email, text, or whatever works for you. Encourage them. Thank them. Support them wherever you can. Be a great blessing in their lives. Pass it on to the ends of the earth!

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