Dapedersen's blog

Rest for the weary soul…

11:28 Matthew “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (NIV)

What a great invitation! Offering people a place of rest. Offering people a chance to get rid of their burdens. Offering the weary a time and a place to get nourished again. It is an offer that many have accepted. It is an offer for anyone and everyone to take up, if they will just reach out to Jesus. He removes the heavy burden of sin. His Word enriches and empowers us to get up and to keep moving forward. Find your rest in Him every day!

Help others to stay on the road to life!

7:14 Matthew “But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” (NIV)

Jesus tells His disciples and us that to find real life…the kind that lasts forever…we need to follow a certain road or path. Jesus even leads us on that path. He clears obstacles in our way. He guides us at every turn and warns us of upcoming dangers. We need to set aside egos. We need to put others first. We need to help others stay on the path. Follow that path to life eternal. It will be the best ride of your life!

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