When will you get rid of your sins?

11:14 Job “Get rid of your sins, and leave all iniquity behind you." (NLT)

Job‘s friends have lots to say… just not a lot which fits Job and his particular set of circumstances. Their advice to Job, “Get rid of your sins, and leave the iniquity behind you.” is still great advice for the rest of us. Too often, we keep those secret sins as secret, yet they are well known to God. He sees them all. He wants to forgive them ALL. But He can only forgive those that we have confessed to Him. What are you waiting for? Get rid of the burden of those sins which you have dragged around for years. Let Him set you free… truly free from sin this day. What a world of difference it will make in your life and in the lives of those around you. Do that today!

Our special thanks to all who recommend this verse and this series to those you know on social media. Ask if they have a secret that they have told no one, and yet it is a burden to keep it as a secret. Ask what stops them from confessing it and from leaving it behind. See what they say. For years as an executive consultant, I would have a travel bag that contained ALL the stuff that I might need on a trip… it weighed about 37 pounds. I felt good that I was prepared AND I felt weighted down by all the ‘stuff’ that was there for ‘just in case’ situations. Don’t let past sins weigh you down. Give them to Jesus. He has forgiven them long ago. Now live in that freedom. Please Take Time for God’s Word© each day or as you see people lifting heavy bags or boxes. Set an alarm for your phone at 11:14am on Fridays. Copy in this whole verse. Set a ring tone to a favorite Christian song. When it plays, if anyone asks, share this verse with them. It is a reminder to you AND a witnessing tool to talk with others about the need to confess our sins. We have a guarantee in 1 John 1:09, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” (NIV)

We pray for all the police, firefighters, emergency personnel, etc. in our communities and around the country. These men and women have chosen to serve us in times of danger and in times of serious emergencies and they do that faithfully even putting their own lives at risk for ours. Thank them. Tell them that you are praying for them. Show your appreciation to them whenever you can. If I see them in restaurants, I ask the owner if I can pay for their meals. It is done anonymously and with great thanks to them. Do whatever you like to do to show your support. Thanks! Stay blessed in ALL that you do. Pass it on to those who are carrying around the burdens of past sins and it is weighing them down… help to lighten their load by sharing Jesus who can take all those sins away.

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