Be bold…ASK God!

11:09 Luke “So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” (NIV)

After sharing the model prayer, Jesus gives a short example story to His disciples… late at night a man goes to his friend’s house to ask for 3 loaves of bread for an unexpected guest. Jesus says that the man will give it to him… not because he is a friend BUT because “of the shameless audacity to ask” (11:08). How about you? Are you too timid or afraid to ask God to help supply your needs? Maybe you need that same ‘shameless audacity’ to ask. Then, seek out what He has given to you. Then, knock if you still need help to understand His plans and gifts to you. Three simple steps… Ask.. Seek… Knock. OR remember A.S.K. You will be amazed at the storehouse of blessings He has been saving up for you… waiting for you to ASK!!

Please send along this verse to family and friends who NEED to ask God for help. Ask them if they are a bit ashamed when they need to ask anyone for help. Ask if they resent it if someone asks them for some help. Listen to how they respond. For many of us, we are too proud to ask for help… and our pride gets in the way of our service to others. Yet, we are delighted when someone asks us and when we can help someone in need. We feel honored that we can do something for them. So, realize that God also is there ready, willing, and (VERY) able to help you out of ANYTHING if you will only take the time to ASK Him for help. It can be humbling to get to the point of asking for help… that’s OK… we are to be humble. Then, Take Time For God’s Word© repeatedly each day or as you ask for anything of anyone or at 11:09 am or pm. Please print out this verse card (with extra copies) and carry it around in your pocket or purse. Look at it whenever you need to reach for money or credit cards (which may be often). Think about what it is that you may need to ask for. Maybe it is for a family member. Maybe it is for a neighbor or someone at church. It is OK… ASK! Then, don’t forget to thank Him in advance for whatever He will give you. And continue to thank Him for ALL that He gives us, even if we don’t remember to ask for it. Stay greatly blessed… in asking! (And, recall which states the same thing.)

At the end of each monthly prayer cycle, we lift up that ONE person that you know who desperately needs Jesus in their life. It may be family, a friend, a co-worker, or just an acquaintance. Focus on that one person and ASK God to touch their heart and life so that they will be open to hearing and receiving the Good News. Let them know that you pray for them. They need to see that you care. Be a faithful witness to them in word and deed. Show care and compassion to them. Be a blessing in their lives. Stay well through this pandemic. Pass it on by asking, seeking, and knocking wherever He leads you AND don’t stop… until He comes again!

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