Is your name written in heaven?

10:20 Luke “However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.” (NIV)

The seventy-two followers returned to Jesus from their journey to various villages and towns. They were excited. They had cast out demons and had healed many others in Jesus name. Jesus had protected them from harm and danger. Many wanted to tell Him about what they had done to put Satan in his place. Jesus needed to remind them about what was most important… it was God working through them, AND that they will be with God forever. He wanted them to know the greatest gift was not in what they did… but in who they are. They are redeemed and forgiven. Best place to be…ever!

Please offer this verse of encouragement to family and friends who need help during this time of pandemic. Ask if they recall their ‘best-day-ever’ and how excited they were. Ask if they told everyone about that day and how special it was. That’s how the followers of Jesus felt in returning to Him after their short trips on their own. They wanted to talk about their new powers and what they did to help people in need. Remind them that any of our strength or power comes from God. We are stewards of what He gives. We need to use it for His kingdom and His glory. Remember to Take Time For God’s Word© day-after-day or as you recall that your name is written in heaven or at 10:20 am or pm. You will want to add this verse to your Reminders on your phone. Copy in the verse and set it for 10:20 am on Tuesdays to pop up. When it does, pause for a moment to give thanks again (and again) to God for His saving grace that came to us because of Jesus. That truly is cause for rejoicing. It is like another verse tells us: “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!” 4:4 Philippians (ESV) Let that reminder help you to be more joyful in ALL that you do for Him!

We focus our prayers on the youth ministries and youth outreach programs from our churches and fellowship groups that are (or were) planned for this summer. The pandemic has disrupted many of the trips and planned programs that engage our youth in sharing their faith with others. I know they were excited about these trips and what they would do and learn. We need to encourage the youth and their leaders to find other ways to share the love of Jesus more locally and in different ways. Help them to be creative. Support them in these new ways of sharing. Let the youth know that you are praying for them. They need it now more than ever! Be a blessing to them by showing how much you care. Pass it on to those around you by being a child of God… an heir to His kingdom… and a friend to help anyone who has a need!

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