What to do with the leftovers…

9:17 Luke “They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over.“ (NIV)

The disciples passed around the food which Jesus had blessed. They continued to pass around the food until everyone had eaten as much as they wanted. Jesus asked them to gather the leftovers…TWELVE baskets full of leftovers! God provided enough AND He generously gives more… until there is an abundance. A prayer was given AND the response was very visible on how that prayer was answered. Keep a prayer journal of what you prayed for and what the answer(s) looked like. It will help you to count your many blessings in life… and then give Him all the glory for it.

Please forward this verse to friends, family, and co-workers in the Kingdom. Ask if they have ever kept a prayer journal. Ask if they felt that it helped to see the hand of God working in and through them. Offer sincere and honest prayers for your needs and for the needs of those around you. Keep asking until you see the answer. It will bring you and others closer to God as you show your complete dependence on Him. You will be blessed by it. Continue to Take Time For God’s Word© each day or as you clean up the table after a family meal or at 9:17 am or pm. The words, “They all ate and were satisfied” is the hope and dream of millions upon millions of people around the world. It is estimated that about 9 million children (in the USA at this time) are not getting regular meals and suffer hunger because of it. If you want to help them out, donate at FeedingAmerica.org or one of the other respected charities. Give from the abundance that you have… in your heart!

We shift our prayers now to ask God’s help for all the Christian colleges and universities in our country. They are still shut down because of the pandemic. Some have opened their dorms to medical and first responders who need to self quarantine away from their families. Some have found other ways to support their communities. We need to support these institutions through this crisis. Let them know that you are praying for them. They need to understand that. Be a great blessing in the kindness that you show. May the memories of the good outweigh the tragic and painful memories which are building up. Be a light to the world. Pass it on to those who are starving to hear and to embrace the Good News and to find His peace in this time of fear.

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