Be more fully trained…then teach!

6:40 Luke “The student is not above the teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like their teacher.” (NIV)

Jesus called disciples from a variety of backgrounds and educational levels. He freely spent time each day to teach them the meaning of the parables, the goals in providing miracles in many circumstances, and the simplicity in effective prayers. He KNEW that they would need that information and training when He would return to God… they would need to teach others. We are disciples. We need to study His Word. We need to share it with others. We may not feel that we are fully trained BUT the Holy Spirit is with us. Trust that the Spirit will help you in sharing the love of Christ… keep it simple and use it often to grow more confident in your teaching of others.

Please extend this verse to close friends and fellow believers. Ask if they have had professional training in sharing their faith. Ask if they can tell people about what Jesus has done for them. Just like public speaking… we are all fearful to take risks and to make mistakes in what we may say. Yet, when you see the explanations of the parables, Jesus does so in 50-100 words. They are simple statements. He repeats them when needed. We can do the same. Share a verse. Tell why it is meaningful to you. Explain how it is used in your life. AND… tell how much Jesus loves you. Then, make it a point to Take Time For God’s Word© in devotions and prayer each day or as you see others teaching you or at 6:40 am or pm. Set this verse as an Action Item on your phone for 6:40 am with the title “The student is not above the teacher,” and copy the full verse into the note. When you see the time… repeat the verse… pick a few verses that you can easily recall and share to anyone, anywhere. Then, look for opportunities to share that with others. Ask other believers for advice or ways they use to help to teach. They will be glad to share that with you. Then, fear not… God is with you in spreading His love and His plan for salvation.

Please continue your prayers for all the youth music programs and choirs at your churches. While we are not able to gather together to practice or perform, there are still ways to encourage our youth to continue to sing, practice instruments, etc. Songs can be downloaded and heard on various devices. Parents and grandparents can encourage kids to keep up their love for those songs. The Christian songs can be such positive support that we want His Word and songs about His love to be shared often. Keep a song in your heart and let it out in singing when you can. Be a blessing to those around you. Pass it on to others as a teacher of what you have learned and continue to keep learning about the depth of His love for us!

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