How far does your love reach?

6:35 Luke “But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked.” (NIV)

Jesus gave examples of love that were common…loving those who love you… being good to those who are good to you… lending to those who will repay you. He said that even sinners do those things. His challenge to His followers (that’s us) is to take love a giant step further. Our task is to love our enemies… do good to them… lend without expectation of repayment. Why? Because that is the kind of love that God has shown to all of us. That is the kind of love that we are to show… Christ’s love for us. That is the kind of love that will get noticed as ‘different’ and ‘unconditional’. That’s the kind of love Jesus died for. That’s the kind of love that we are to live out each day… by the grace of God!

Please pass along this verse to close family and friends. Ask if they have ever shown love to an enemy. Ask how it would feel to do good to those who hate them. Listen to their responses… consider your own response. It is easy to talk about loving others. It is MUCH harder to actually be love and show love to those that oppose you. It is hard to show love to those who take advantage of you. Yet, that is what Christ did… and that is what we are called to do… daily! Continue to Take Time For God’s Word© today or as you think of your enemies or at 6:35 am or pm. This would be a verse to put into Tasks on your phone. Set it for 6:35am. Copy in the whole verse (and yes, it is a long one). Set the title as “love your enemies”. Set it to ring or chime everyday for a week. It should be top of mind for each of us. We need to be reminded daily of what Christian love looks like. Then really think about who you plan to show that love to…today…tomorrow… and every day going forward. The message of Easter is Good News for each of us… AND it is for those that don’t yet know Him. That’s our mission. That’s our outreach. That’s our calling… to share His love to the unlovable. Start today!

We continue to pray for all the refugee services organizations and people who are refugees around the world. There are MILLIONS of people living in refugee camps throughout the world. They live in tents (if they are lucky) with limited food, long lines to get water, and with little hope of the better life they were hoping for. We pray for Exodus World Services (Park Ridge, IL) and their compassion to help refugees through a process of resettling and rebuilding their lives. Getting families here is just one (giant) step in the process. Getting churches and people to help support these families is a key step. Then, having people mentor, help, guide, support, and give ongoing love to these families helps them to feel at home in their new land. That step is ongoing. Support them. Volunteer if you can. Encourage those families. Show His love to them. Be a blessing to everyone that you meet. Pass it on to your enemies by doing good things for them and by showing just how much Jesus loves them… through you!

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