Do good to those who hate you!

6:27 Luke “But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you,” (NIV)

Love your enemies… that was the message from Jesus. How could that be? He wanted the people to love the Romans… the Samaritans… even those gentiles surrounding them. No one understood it. It sounded too good and too hard to consider. Yet, He loved those who put Him on the cross… and He loved each of us! We are to follow His example and to seek to reach everyone with the Good News! That is still our task and our responsibility… do that today… phone calls, texts, emails, video chats, and more. Reach out!!

Please reach out to friends and enemies alike. Ask if they can think of someone who may be considered an enemy and how they could reach out to them. Ask if they could do good to others who may hate them. Please pay attention to how they answer. As we enter Good Friday, it is time for us to pause from our daily tasks and to consider the great love of Christ for us as He bore our sins on the cross. Jesus encountered two thieves on crosses next to Him. One asked for Jesus to remember Him and the other mocked Jesus. One joined Jesus in paradise. Thank Him for His great love and mercy! Always Take Time For God’s Word© during the day or as you hear about enemies or at 6:27 am or pm. Set this verse at 6:27 am as an Alarm on your phone with a title of, ‘Love your enemies,’ and copy the whole verse into your phone as a reference. We need this as an Alarm so that we pay attention to it. It is NOT easy to love your enemies. It defies human logic. But, it is consistent with the character of God who sent Jesus to die for the sins of ALL people… even when we were enemies of His. We cannot imagine such great love. That is why it is such Good News. Continue to pass it on to others! God bless you!

We include in our monthly prayer cycle all the organizations that provide for adoption and family services. We pray for Evangelical Child and Family Services (Wheaton, IL) for their great care and services in Illinois and southern Wisconsin. So many have been blessed by having children placed into their homes and families. It has been a blessing to all of those impacted in an adoption. Help those adoptive families. Support these agencies and their efforts. Stay blessed as you stay in. Enjoy online services for Good Friday if they are available in your areas. Pass it on to those who may be enemies or haters so that His love can change them into friends… forever!

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