Have we lost our amazement of God?

5:26 Luke “Everyone was amazed and gave praise to God. They were filled with awe and said, "We have seen remarkable things today."” (NIV)

People with all types of illness, disease, and ailments were brought to Jesus. Some could not wait to get to meet Him. A paralyzed man’s friends brought him through the roof and lowered him down to be in the presence of Jesus. Jesus could see their great faith. He offered His forgiveness AND His pronouncement of healing. He could do both. The man jumped up off His bed, picked it up, and went out praising God. People were amazed. His works are no less amazing today. See His hand working all around you. Give Him praise. Give Him thanks. Stay amazed at the grace and mercy of God!

Please offer this verse to family and friends everywhere. Ask if they are amazed at anything anymore. Ask why we seem to think that the extraordinary is normal and why we don’t see God’s hand at work to be amazing to us. We are living in extraordinary times…a deadly pandemic…an unprecedented economic challenge… an historic moment in an election year… and more. See how God acts in amazing ways. Give Him your thanks and praise. Then, Take Time For God’s Word© throughout the day or as you see exceptional acts of courage by so many or at 5:26 am or pm. Take a photo of this verse card and add it to your Favorites on your phone. Look at it often. Repeat is aloud. Be aware of the remarkable things that are happening around you. Be part of it by showing the love of Christ to all that you meet. Help to make His grace to become amazing to those who have yet to know Him. Be a great blessing to others now… and forever!

Please continue your prayers for all the Alzheimer's and hospice care facilities, staff and patients (and their families) in our country. With the quarantines, ‘self isolation’, and ‘shelter in place’ orders, it is very hard for families and friends to be there for their loved ones in any of these settings. Support them. Help them if you can. Communicate with them to let them know that you are praying for them. Be a blessing. Stay blessed in ALL that you do. Pass it on by sharing His love which is STILL amazing to experience and to carry with you every day!

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