Fish for people in need of a Savior!

5:10 Luke “...Then Jesus said to Simon, "Don't be afraid; from now on you will fish for people."” (NIV)

Jesus had said to put down their nets. They did as He said. They could not believe ALL the fish they caught. They wanted another boat to help them. The fish filled both boats to the point of sinking them. Peter knew he was standing before someone very powerful… he said that he was unworthy. Jesus let him know that there was so much more that Peter could do. He called him to fish for people… to bring them into the kingdom of God. So, go fishing each day (for Him)!

Please pass along this verse to friends and family who are ‘sheltering-in-place’ (which is most of us). Ask if they have ever caught a very large fish. Ask if the fish grew in size every time they told the story about it. When we have something extraordinary happen, we often ‘tell it big’ to emphasize how we felt at the time. Peter knew this was extraordinary. Yet, Jesus had far bigger plans for him in the future. He has great plans for us, too. Just continue to trust Him each day. Always, Take Time For God’s Word© throughout each day or as you see any fish at your supermarket or at 5:10 am or pm. When I was growing up, I learned a song that talked about ‘fishers of men’…’if you follow Me’. As a young child, it was memorable because the thought of fishing for people seemed strange. Now, it makes perfect sense and we need to keep the nets (and lines) out all the time. There are so many who need the love of Jesus in their lives. Help them to be caught up by His grace and mercy!

Our prayers go out to all the Sunday School teachers in our churches and our fellowship groups. It must be unusual for them to NOT have Sunday School for these weeks of the COVID-19 restrictions. We hope that parents and grandparents are sharing favorite Bible stories with the little ones. It is so important to make it a priority during those early years. You can still reach out with notes, texts, emails, phone calls, etc. to these teachers to let them know that you think of them. They will appreciate it. Be that blessing during this time of ‘social distancing’. Pass it on to others in whatever ways you can… AND continue to thank and praise God each day that we live!

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