Prepare for a catch!

5:04 Luke “When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, "Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch."” (NIV)

Jesus was teaching near the shore but as the people crowded around Him, he stepped into a boat to finish His teaching. When He was done, He spoke to Simon Peter and asked Him to push out into deep waters and to put down His nets. Jesus often asks us to do things we don’t understand…even going into deep waters… He is with us. So, today, don’t be afraid to put out you nets (to your social network) and help bring in new believers.

Please cast this verse out to everyone in your network of friends. Ask if they have ever been fishing and caught nothing. Ask if they were excited to go again after that experience. We often hold back if we were unsuccessful the first time. God is with us and we are to persistent and to try again and again. Never give up. He has great plans for us, if we continue to trust His plans for us. Then, Take Time For God’s Word© often each day or as you see anyone fishing or at 5:04 am or pm. If you are an early riser, set this as an Alarm on your phone at 5:04 am with the title, “…let down the nets for a catch.” It should help remind you of the verse AND our need to always be prepared in sharing the Good News with those we meet. You never know the witness that you make through your words and deeds. You may be the only Bible that people will encounter in their lives. Let your light so shine for Him.

Let us all continue to pray for the youth ministers and youth leaders in our churches and fellowship groups. They have an important mission…reaching and teaching the next generation of Christians. We need to have an impact in those young lives. These leaders focus on that every day. Encourage them. Support them. Let them know that you pray for them. Be a blessing to them… so that they will be a blessing to the youth in our churches. Pass it on to all those who are missing out on the best that this life has to offer… knowing Jesus as Savior and Friend.

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