We must proclaim the Good News!

4:43 Luke “But he said, "I must proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns also, because that is why I was sent.”” (NIV)

Jesus went from village to village healing and sharing His love with them. They did not want Him to leave. They wanted Him to stay and to be with them always. Jesus reminded them that He needed to continue to reach other people in other places. We are still reminded of that even today. While we are blessed to know Jesus… we are not to keep Him to ourselves. We are to share that same love and Good News to a world that needs Him now more than ever! Continue to do His will and to share His love… until He comes again!

Please pass along this verse to family and friends who are confined during this COVID-19 virus situation. Ask if they realized that Jesus needed to go from place to place to share the message of salvation. Ask if they knew that people wanted to keep Him to themselves. There may be times when we want to keep Jesus to ourselves. He loves us and blesses us… AND sharing Him with others can be scary at times. Yet, that is our calling to declare the Good News to the world. Pass it on!! And, Take Time For God’s Word© each day or as you see news about COVID-19 around the world or at 4:43 am or pm. Copy this verse and make it a Reminder on your phone at 4:43 pm. When it pops up, take a moment to think about who needs this message and who you can share it with… right now. As we are all separated from one another, we do need that contact with others which can happen over the Internet. It is not the same as being there in person, but it still helps. Let them know that you pray for them. Pass on verses, encouragement, even humor to help them through these serious times. Be that blessing in any way that you can. Then, again, pass it on to those who have yet to know Him as Savior and as Friend.

PLEASE remember your pastors, ministers, and lay leaders in your prayers each day. They too are isolated from their congregations. They are needing to learn new skills and to us technology to stream Sunday services, Lenten services, etc. to their congregations. They love their church families and they are now cut off from being there with them. Let them know that you are praying for them. Reach out to them. Be a blessing to them as they are to so many others. Stay in and stay well. Stay blessed. Pass it on through the Good News and through sharing it with a world that is dying to know Him!

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