Proclaim the Good News!

4:18 Luke “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free,” (NIV)

Jesus begins His ministry in the temple. He reads from the predictions of the Old Testament. Those references are about Him. He wants people to see that the promises of the past are being fulfilled even now before their eyes. He still wants us to proclaim that Good News to the poor and to ALL people. It is the only way for people to know Him as their personal Lord and Savior. Share Him today… and every day.

Please extend this verse to anyone who may be poor in spirit. Ask if they have confidence in what’s happening now around the world. Ask if they can say with certainty when this pandemic will be over. As it is unprecedented, none of us can be for sure exactly when things will stabilize and get back to normal… or to the ‘new normal’. We will still need to share the Good News because the love of God does not change. Then, Take Time For God’s Word© often daily or as you hear any good news on TV or at 4:18 am or pm. This may be a verse you put as a Reminder for 4:18 pm on Saturdays for the next couple of months. It will remind you of His promise and His fulfilling the words of the prophets that we would proclaim Good News to the poor. Soon, when it rings, you will know this verse and what God had planned… He delivered through Jesus. He is STILL the answer for the world today.

We begin our new monthly prayer cycle list with all of the women and men in our military… all branches. They fight on our behalf. They battle in far away places so that we don’t bring the fight to our shores. Thank them. Support them… and their families who sacrifice for them when they are deployed. Let them know that you pray for them. That will be a great encouragement to them. Stay well in this time of pandemic…and stay blessed in the process. Pass it on to those who are poor in spirit so that they can receive the Good News… the true Word of Life!

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