Give Him your praise and worship!

4:08 Luke “Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Worship the Lord your God and serve him only.'“ (NIV)

Jesus was told by Satan to worship him and then Satan could give Him power and authority. Jesus KNEW that Satan is the ‘father-of-lies’. He KNEW that he cannot be trusted. Jesus STATED that our worship and service belongs to God and to Him alone. No matter how ‘shiny-and-new’ something seems OR how much ‘power-and-authority’ someone offers, it is NOT real, and it cannot last. Only our worship of God and our service to Him will have any value into eternity. Start it today and you will enjoy it… forever!!

Please extend this verse to those who are not focused on serving God. Ask what their highest priority is each day. Ask where they spend both their time and their money. Listen carefully to how they respond. Let them know that we often take our eyes off God and we then seem to stumble. Remind them that God deserves our worship and our praise. Then, Take Time For God’s Word© throughout each day or as you see anyone giving service or at 4:08 am or pm. You may want to set this verse up at 4:08 pm as a Reminder on your phone with the title of ‘Worship the Lord your God…’ When it rings on your phone, pause for a moment to review the verse AND to give God your worship and praise. Look at areas where you can be of great service to those around you. You are the answer to people’s prayers… you just need to be available to God to be used by Him in service to others. Give God your worship each day through your thanks and praise! It is ALWAYS a great day… to be under the care of God!! Treasure it!!

We focus prayers each month on our prison system including all the staff, inmates, families impacted, victims, etc. With more than two million women and men incarcerated… and with 3-5 times as many people impacted by them, they NEED our prayers. You can also find ways to help those families. They need to know that they are not forgotten. They need to know that there is ‘forgiveness’ through Christ. Let them know that you pray for them. You can be that blessing to them. You will never know the influence and impact that you had… but God knows. Stay blessed. Pass it on to others by showing your worship AND through your service to Him!!

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