Do you find favor with God?

2:52 Luke “And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man." (NIV)

Jesus grew up with His family and in His community. He grew in wisdom. He continued to learn. He continued to study the scrolls and what the prophets had foretold. We too must continue to grow in wisdom by recalling His Word often!

As you Take Time For God's Word(c) throughout each day, continue to plant new verses in your heart and in your mind so that you grow in wisdom. We should never stop learning. As I go through the Bible, I am amazed at the 'new' verses that I notice now, that I glossed over in years passed. These words have new meaning to me at this stage of my life. They speak to my needs right now. They have been waiting for me to find them and to study them. What a blessing they are in my life... right now. Share those insights with others. Encourage them to study God's Word. Pray with them and for them.

We offer up special prayers to God for grace and mercy in how our country and how our world are dealing with the Coronavirus (COVID-19). We pray that there will be healing to those who have it. We pray that the spread will be slowed and stopped. We pray for a cure. We pray for a vaccine for prevention. We pray that we may be able to resume our daily lives without fear and avoidance of other people. Stay well. Stay blessed. Pass it on to those who still need to find the wisdom from God found in His Word!

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