Are you still searching for Jesus?

2:49 Luke “Why were you searching for me?" he asked. "Didn't you know I had to be in my Father's house?" (NIV)

Jesus was surprised that His parents could not find Him. It seemed obvious that the Temple would be the place that He would spend His time. It was His father’s house… a house of worship… a house of prayer… a house of forgiveness. Does that describe your church or fellowship group? It should… and it is so much more. Let us continue to invite others to join us at our churches. Let them know that it is a place where they can find great peace and joy… knowing that Jesus is there with His people to bless them and keep them in His care.

Please pass along this verse to friends who need to have the peace of Christ in their lives. Ask if they have ever been lost OR if they have ever had a child who was lost or missing. Ask how anxious that made them feel and how relieved they were when they were reunited. We can all relate to the human emotions that Mary and Joseph must have been experiencing. We can see that Jesus was perfectly safe and He even felt right at home in the Temple. We need to make sure that our churches are places which welcome those in need. We need to let the love of Christ be overflowing to those who come to meet Him there. Remember to Time For God’s Word© daily or as you pass by a church or at 2:49 am or pm. This may be a verse card to print out and to put on your refrigerator. It will be a good reminder to seek out Jesus and to find Him in whatever you may be doing. It will also remind you to invite others to join you at an upcoming church service or outreach event. Help to make that life-changing introduction to Jesus!

We pray for all the youth outreach missions and mission trips that our youth may be attending this summer. These trips are a way for them to connect their faith to acts of kindness and service to others. It shows them that there are real needs in the world that need their help. Please support these youth. Encourage them to show and to share their faith. Help out if you are able. Be that great blessing to them. Pass it on to others who are still searching for Jesus and do not know where to find Him.

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