God prepares His people including us...

1:16 Luke “He will bring back many of the people of Israel to the Lord their God." (NIV)

We completed our review of the book of Daniel. We saw his great faith and his trust in God. We should all dare-to-be-a-Daniel in all that we do. We now begin a new series in the book of Luke. Luke pays attention to details. He focuses on chronology. He ties together people and events. He was a physician, so he comments on people’s feelings and emotions. We will find both new and old favorite verses in this book of the Bible. He starts by telling the story about the planned purpose and activities of John the Baptizer. John called for repentance. John called for baptisms. John spoke plainly against the Roman and Jewish leaders. AND, he spoke about the coming of a Savior… Jesus. We need to continue to prepare people for the coming of Christ into their lives. Share the Good News whenever you can.

Please send along this verse to family, friends, and co-workers in His kingdom. Ask if they have any favorite verses from the book of Luke. Ask what they are and why those are important to them. See how they answer. Encourage them to follow along on this Facebook page each day to gain additional insights and some new, favorite verses along the way. While we have seen the life of Jesus through the eyes and views of both Matthew and Mark, we will see some differences or refinements in Luke. We want to be able to bring to mind those verses and we need to take them to heart as we live for Him each day. Remember to Take Time For God’s Word© often each day or as you hear the name John and at 1:16 am or pm. The parents of John were growing older and had no children. They were excited to be expecting and to be expecting a son. They were surprised by the angel’s visit and by the name that they should give to him. They knew that God had heard their prayers and that He would care for their son and would help him to fulfill his purpose in God’s plan. Is that your prayer, too? To fulfill your purpose in God’s plan? Seek His guidance and direction each day. Live fully to His honor, praise and glory… and it will be a great day!

As we begin this new series, we pray for all the Christian colleges and universities, their faculty, their staff, and their students around the country and around the world. They have a purpose and a mission to educate and to support young women and men to be built up in their faith so have an impact on our world and for the sake of the kingdom of God. We need them to be the leaders in their generation. We need them to show others the love of God and how God would want us to live. Encourage them. Support them. Let them know that you are praying for them. They need to know that we are all part of the body of Christ and that we support one another in prayer. Be blessed to be a blessing to those around you. Pass it on to everyone that you meet so that we may bring them back to God and to His son, Jesus.

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