People must choose to trust God…

6:26 Daniel “I issue a decree that in every part of my kingdom people must fear and reverence the God of Daniel. "For he is the living God and he endures forever; his kingdom will not be destroyed, his dominion will never end.“ “ (NIV)

King Darius punished those who tricked him. He also issued a new decree honoring the God of Daniel. He wanted his kingdom to know the awesome power of God. He wanted God to know that even the king was subject to the will of God. It was a nice gesture. Unfortunately, things went back to their prior ways as the two kingdoms continued to be ruled by Medes and Persians. Fortunately, God’s kingdom is still ruled forever by the loving and just King of Kings. Continue to be part of that kingdom which will never end! Trust in God like Daniel did.

Please extend this verse to family and friends. Ask if they ever recall any ‘decrees’ sent out by our government or by others. Ask if they feel that a decree can make people obey. Listen to how they respond. We know too well that people are sinful. They don’t always obey. They want their own way. And that is why Jesus came to die for our sins. We can claim His righteousness in order to be made right with God. Best news ever!! So, continue to Take Time For God’s Word© each day or as you consider the eternal nature of God and at 6:26 am or pm. Save this verse card into your Photos on your phone. Put it in the album of Favorite Verses. Review those verses whenever you find yourself waiting… in line… on hold… until something ‘good’ comes on TV (which could be a long wait)… or as you are between tasks. It is a great way to see how God’s Word touches your life in various ways each day. Often you will see how His hand is leading you through some challenging times in your life. Give Him the thanks and praise!!

We ask that you pray for your ministers, pastors, and lay leaders in your church or fellowship group. What a blessing they are! What an important calling that they have by God. Let us reach out to them to let them know that we are praying for them and for their families. Give them your support and encouragement. Be an active part in your local church through worship and in various activities and groups that make and keep the church body working together. We are the body of Christ… His church. Serve there with all your heart! Be a blessing to others. Pass it on KNOWING that God’s kingdom will endure forever and bring others to come to know Him as Savior and as Friend.

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