Will you stand with Jesus?

14:50 Mark. “Then everyone deserted him and fled." (NIV)

Jesus awakens the disciples a third time. This time He alerts them that His accusers are coming to take Him. Judas leads the pack. He betrays Jesus. The soldiers are armed and take Jesus. None of the disciples stay around…they fled. They desert Jesus and leave Him alone with those who would later have Him killed. Do you ever desert Jesus? Do you flee rather than defend His name and the power of the Gospel? Stand firm in your faith. He stands with you ALWAYS!

We ask that you extend this verse to family and friends. Ask if they have ever had friends desert them in a time of need. Ask how that made them feel towards those so-called friends. Tell them about the forgiveness which Christ has for those who have not claimed Him as Lord and as Savior. Share His love with them. Remember to Take Time For God’s Word© each day or as you see people fleeing from a situation and at 14:50 (2:50 pm). While this may not be one of the more motivating or uplifting verses that we have had from the book of Mark, it is one that makes you think. It makes you think about your commitment to Jesus. It makes you think what circumstances would cause you to desert Him. While unthinkable, we need to pray that we never get tested to that point. Many around the world are tested, persecuted, and even killed for claiming the name of Jesus. Keep them in your prayers. Be ready to make a stand for Jesus… maybe sooner than you think.

Our prayers reach out for all the Christian colleges and universities around the world. We ask that the students, faculty, staff, and all who visit those campuses will see that the name of Jesus is proclaimed in all that they do. There is a special need in our world for young people to know that Jesus has purpose and mission for their lives. We pray that these schools help to prepare those young women and men to fulfill the roles and plans which God has for them. Encourage them. Support those organizations. Be a blessing to them. Pass it on to those who stand against the name of Jesus as He still wants them to be saved and to return to Him.

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