Ready or Not?

13:36 Mark “If he comes suddenly, do not let him find you sleeping.“ (NIV)

Are your ready? No, really…are you ready? There will be no second chance. There will be no replay. It will be final. That is why Jesus spent extra time to warn the disciples…and it still applies to us. Start each day in His Word. Share it often. Thank Him continually. Be a blessing to others through your service to them. AND… be ready.

Please pass this verse on to friends and family to remind them. Ask if they plan for emergencies at home or on the road. Ask if they are ready if Jesus were to come again… right now! It is amazing how we seem to prepare for hurricanes, blizzards, economic disruptions, and yet we don’t seem to be prepared for the most important moment is ALL of history. Be prepared. Help others to get ready. Be alert and stay close to His Word. Always Take Time For God’s Word© throughout each day or as you may feel sleepy and at 13:36 (1:36 pm). It is only fitting that we set this one up as an Alarm on your phone. Set it a 1:36 pm. Copy in the whole verse as the title… list it as Mark 13:36. Set it for Sundays. It will take only a couple of times until you know this verse. But, more than just knowing it, be ready for His return…anytime… anywhere. You don’t want to miss it for this world.

Please pray for all the youth ministers and youth leaders at your church or fellowship group. We need to support them and to encourage the youth in our churches to continue to be involved. The world is a tempting place. We need to show them why Jesus is the best choice in ALL the world. Be a volunteer to help out. Let them know that you pray for them regularly. Stay blessed to be a blessing. Pass it on to a sleepy world that is missing out on the plans of God and the blessings He has prepared for those watching for Him.

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