Shine His light while you can!

13:32 Mark “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.“ (NIV)

Jesus lets everyone know that the end of the world will come ONLY when God has planned for it. No one…truly no one… knows when that will be. End of guessing. There is no point in it for us. We have a great commission to complete while He still gives us time to do so. Let us be focused on the needs of people now. Let us spread the Good News where we are. Let us be the hands and feet of Jesus in serving others. Our time is NOW. This is our MISSION. Let us stay committed to it AND let us give thanks and praise for all the blessings that we have received.

Please give this verse as a reminder to friends, family, and co-workers in His kingdom. Ask them how often they have heard that the ‘end is coming’ and how often those predictions are wrong (100% wrong). Ask how those predictions impact people and how do they respond to them. We need to take this verse seriously. We need to spend zero time on guessing about the end. Instead, we need to redouble our efforts to make the most use of every day in sharing the Good News. Please Take Time For God’s Word© each day or as you may hear about the-end-of-the-world and at 13:32 (1:32 pm). This may be one of those verses that you put as a Reminder on your phone for 1:32 pm and give it a title of “no one knows…only the Father”. Have it repeat monthly on the last day of the month. It will help you to see that we have completed another month of His grace and mercy. It will help you to see what you have done for the sake of the kingdom of God that month. It will be there to encourage you to do more in coming months. We are just one month closer to the end… which for us is also a great new beginning… one that will last forever. That is worth remembering and celebrating often!

We now take a moment to pray for all the ministers, pastors, and lay leaders in our churches and fellowship groups. They need our prayers and our support. We do not know all the attacks which the devil makes on those who share the Good News. Therefore, we need to surround them with prayers… including their families. They have so many duties… so many responsibilities… limited time… sometimes limited budgets… AND they need our help. Let them know that you pray for them. Offer to help and to volunteer. We are the body of Christ as His church. We ALL need to support it. Lift them up in prayer. Be a blessing to them as they are to so many people. Pass it on with your passion for Jesus’ love to reach the hearts of all of those around you… until that last day which God has in His plans.

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