Love the Lord your God…greatest commandment ever!

12:30 Mark “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” (NIV)

Jesus responds to the question asking what is the greatest commandment. He responds by restating what people knew from the book of Deuteronomy (6:4-6:5). I doubt that few were surprised by His answer. Yet, when stated by Jesus it took on a whole new dimension… a personal one. He is asking for ALL of our love… heart… soul… mind… strength. After all, He gave His life for us. He gave His all… He wants us to give our all in return. It is the best offer ever! We get so much more than we can give. AND, He accepts us just as we are… imperfect people seeking the complete forgiveness from a perfect God. Don’t miss out on this… AND let others know that they can get this same deal. They will be forever grateful that you told them about Him!

Please communicate this greatest commandment to everyone that you care about… (pretty much everyone that you know). Ask if they were to name the greatest commandment which one would they pick. Ask why that one is so important to them. Listen to their answers. Share the reason that this verse is the greatest commandment. Let them know that it represents our total dependence on God. It means that we surrender our will into His will. It means we follow Him and His Word. AND, it means that we benefit from ALL of His promises to us. There is no better offer ever… accept it with thanks and praise. Continue to Take Time For God’s Word© each day or as you stop to feel your heart beating and at 12:30 am or pm. Take a minute now to set an Alarm on your phone for 12:30 pm with the title, “Love the Lord your God…” and copy the whole verse, if needed. That way, when you pause for a lunch break, let the words of this verse remind you to offer a word of thanks and praise to God for ALL that He has done for you. It will help you to keep perspective on what else may be happening at work, school, home, etc. When we focus on Him, the other things seem to take on less importance. We are encouraged. We are forgiven. We are blessed!!

Each month we pray for those common causes which address social needs in our communities and in our country. It may be providing housing, free legal services, mentoring, blood banks, clothing drives, health clinics, etc. These are important. They meet people’s needs. They may be through schools, clubs, or social organizations. These are great places to volunteer and to show the love of Christ to all who participate. So often, we stay within our ‘church’ circles of friends. That is a blessing for sure, but we do not get to witness to those who may not yet know Jesus. So, while you are doing ‘good’, you can share the Good News to make it a great experience for those who come to know Him. Stay blessed in ALL that you do. Pass on His love with your whole heart, soul, mind, and strength… until He comes again.

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