Don’t underestimate the power of God…

12:24 Mark “Jesus answered and said to them, “Are you not therefore mistaken, because you do not know the Scriptures nor the power of God?“ “(New KJV)

Now the Sadducees (religious leaders who did not believe in the resurrection) try their turn to trick Jesus. They talk about a woman married successively to brothers after each of them died. They want to understand whose wife she would be in the resurrection. Jesus knows their motive. He also knows their lack of knowledge of the scriptures. More importantly, He knows that they do not understand the power of God. Kind of sounds like us… we don’t know the scriptures as well as we should… and we totally underestimate the power of God. That is why we keep reading…listening…learning…praying…meditating… and pursuing His Word. We want to know God at a deeper level. We want to trust Him more completely. We want to experience every blessing that He has planned for us… now and forever!

Please copy this link or this blog post to send along this verse to your friends on social media and on your email list. Ask if they feel that they know the Bible pretty well. Ask if they have ever read the verse in Hezekiah 23:12. Listen for their answers (…there is no book of Hezekiah in the Bible…FYI). Your point is that we can ALL learn more from God and the best way to do that is by spending time in His Word. Whether we study it a verse at a time or several chapters at a time. We need to be seeking to better understand what He has done for us and how we can serve Him more and more each day. We need to Take Time For God’s Word© daily and as you recall His promises or at 12:24 am or pm. This verse may be a number pattern to remember… 1-2 : 2-4… the numbers double (12:24). Just like God multiplies our blessings when we choose to give them to others. You may already have a few verses in your memory banks for the 12 o’clock time. Two of my favorites would be 12:12 Romans (TLB) “Be glad for all that God is planning for you. Be patient in trouble and prayerful always.” AND, 12:21 Romans (NIV) “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” You only need a couple verses for each hour BUT the more you know, the greater the blessing by seeing His hand at work in your life. Trust in Him!

Our prayers continue for all our governmental leaders and elected officials at all levels. They definitely need our prayers. We live in a sinful world. We have enemies that want to destroy us. We have a God who loves us. And we have women and men in various roles trying to do what they think is best for our country. Keep praying for them and our country. Let them know that you pray for them. Stand up for what is good and right. Do not be afraid to share the Good News. You have been blessed to be a blessing to this time and this place. Pass it on to those who do not know the scriptures and who do not yet see the wonder of God in their lives.

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