Persistence pays…especially in prayers… in 2020

10:51 Mark “What do you want me to do for you?" Jesus asked him. The blind man said, "Rabbi, I want to see.“ (NIV)

As Jesus and the disciples were traveling about, a blind man heard they were passing by, so he yelled out to Jesus. People tried to quiet him… he just yelled the name of Jesus even louder. Jesus asked that the man be brought to Him. As they led the blind man to Jesus, this was the question that Jesus asked…”What do you want me to do for you?” Jesus wanted the man to state what he wanted most. Jesus asks that same question of us…so how would you answer Him. The blind man wanted his sight. It may seem obvious… but Jesus wanted his answer… then because of that man’s faith, he was immediately healed. What would you ask of Jesus?

Welcome to 2020! We ask you to start the new year off by giving this verse to friends on social media and your email list. Ask if they could have one thing changed in their lives… what would that be. Ask why that one thing is so important to them. Then listen. You learn a lot about people when you understand what they value and why. Share with them the reason that Jesus asks us for that same question. Share with them the Good News of the Gospel. It is a new year and friends should not be dragging their past sins into a new decade. Then, Take Time For God’s Word© often each day and as you see blind people or at 10:51am or pm. Next, remember this verse and the miracles of Jesus. This may be a verse card to print out… with a few extra copies to share with others. If you have a few of these handy, it is easy to offer them to friends or family, as the situations seem appropriate to you. AND, you will find more of those situations as you are prepared to share the Good News. If they only prompt a discussion, that is a great start. Just keep sharing it. Keep living it. Keep thanking for it. Your faith will be evident, and you will have many opportunities to share His love. Be that blessing to others.

Each day, we list various people, organizations, or causes that we pray for together. We support each other in prayers. Our prayers go out to all the food banks and food pantries in our communities and towns. There is always focus on feeding the hungry and less fortunate around the holidays. The hungry will be even more so in the new year. Continue to contribute and share with these organizations all throughout 2020 and beyond. Thank those who serve in these facilities and positions. Encourage others to join in the donations. You will be a great blessing to those in great need. Stay blessed in ALL that you do to show His love. Pass it on to those who may be blind to the love of Jesus and who may not yet know they need their sight to see Him! Again, have a Happy and Blessed New Year!

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