What did you give up for the kingdom of God?

10:21 Mark “Jesus looked at him and loved him. "One thing you lack," he said. "Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."“ (NIV)

Jesus knows our hearts and our values. To the rich young man who asked Him about inheriting eternal life, Jesus said… keep all the commandments. They young man claimed he had done that since he was a boy. Then Jesus said… just one thing he lacked. Sell all possessions… give it to the poor… and he would have eternal life if he would follow Jesus. The man could not… he was very rich and he could not part with his money. What is it that may hold you back from following Jesus? We need to be willing to sacrifice ALL for the sake of His kingdom. Give Him your all each day as you seek to serve Him. He is THE way to eternal life!

Please extend this verse to family and friends. Ask what they would give to have eternal life. Ask what would stop them from doing that. Listen carefully for their responses. Jesus knows our hearts and what is most precious to us. If you don’t have lots of money, then this would not be a challenge for you… but something else might be. Be prepared to give Him your all in all. He gave His life for you… what will you give in return. Always Take Time For God’s Word© during each day and as you see rich people or at 10:21 am or pm and as you think of this verse and the rich young man asking Jesus. You may want to print out this verse card and put it in your pocket or purse. Keep it near your cash or credit cards so that you see it whenever you buy something. What we spend money on is usually something that is important to us. If we love that more than we love Jesus, then that is a problem. We need to seek Him first… then He will give us what we need. Focus your time on Him. He will bless you more than you can imagine.

Each month in our prayer cycle of people to pray for, we include all of those who have been impacted by the severe weather-related events like hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, fires, etc. While part of the US is experiencing record warm temperatures (like us in Chicago), other areas are being hit with weather challenges. Still others are stuck in clean-up and re-build mode after their events have passed by months (or years) ago. They still need help and support. We still need to show the love of Jesus to them. Any help and support is always appreciated. It blesses them… and it blesses us to put His love into action. Imagine that it were you… how would you feel towards those who helped you out. Stay blessed always. Pass it on by being generous of time, talents, and possessions… whatever He asks of you.

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