Jesus lifts you up!

9:27 Mark “But Jesus took him by the hand and lifted him to his feet, and he stood up" (NIV)

Jesus cast the demon out of the boy that was brought to Him. The boy collapsed. Some thought he was dead. Jesus knew differently. The boy just needed help to stand on his own… now that evil was removed from his life. Jesus lifted him up so that he could stand. Jesus does that for us, too. He lifts us up. He helps us to stand. Then, He walks with us so that we will know the best path to take. Hold out your hand to Jesus each day… He will lift you up and keep you steady when the road of life gets rough. Hand your life to Him!

PLEASE get this verse to anyone that you know who needs a helping hand. Ask if they have ever been snow skiing and how often they fell down. Ask how hard it was to get up unless someone gave you a helping hand. Share with them how God provided Jesus to be our rescuer from sin and to pick us up when we fall. Help them to take hold of Jesus through His Word and to make Him a part of their lives. It is the best ‘pick-me-up’ ever. Then, Take Time For God’s Word© with each new day as you need a helping hand or at 9:27 am or pm as you recite this verse and feel His uplifting hand touch you. Copy this verse into the Notes on your phone with the title…’Jesus…lifted him to his feet’. Have that handy the next time you exercise (…it is a good habit). Read the verse… then repeat it instead of counting the number of reps that you do. If you focus on the verse (not the pain of exercising… at least it is for me), you will learn it more quickly AND the exercises go faster (or seem to). We all have the same 24 hours each day. There is ALWAYS time to spend in God’s Word. Some time in focused Bible Study and prayer. Other times as we recall His Word throughout the day. It is time well spent… and it creates memories that last a lifetime… and more!

Continue to uplift all our Christian schools and pre-schools including their staff and students. It is such a privilege to teach our children and grandchildren about the love of Jesus just as we teach them math, science, and history. Yet, we know that knowing Jesus is the one fact that remains the same now and forever. Support them. Volunteer if you are able. Let them know that you are praying for them. You will be a blessing to them when you do. Pass it on by being the hand of Jesus to lift up those who are down and who need to stand up for Jesus in their lives.

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