Set your priorities so God is first!

8:33 Mark “But when Jesus turned and looked at his disciples, he rebuked Peter. "Get behind me, Satan!" he said. "You do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.”" (NIV)

How quickly we change. Peter declares that Jesus is the Messiah… then he ‘advises’ Jesus about what should happen next. Wrong answer. We do not ‘advise’ God on what He needs to do or say or anything else. We need to listen to His plans, and we need to follow what He tells us to do and to be. God is not asking you to play an ‘advisory role’… He wants you to play an ‘active roles’ in sharing the Good News with others. Start today!

Please deliver this verse to family, friends, and neighbors. Ask if they ever have trouble setting and keeping priorities among all their tasks and duties. Ask if they have a number one priority and if everything else lines up after that. Share with them our priority of keeping God first and foremost in our lives. When He is number one, then the other priorities can easily be aligned. Keep Him at the top of your list always. Please Take Time For God’s Word© often each and every day as you adjust priorities each day or at 8:33 am or pm as you consider this verse and Peter’s selfish plans for Jesus. Peter finally ‘gets it’ in verse 29 and then a few verses later, he ‘messes it up’ by thinking only of what works best for Peter… not what God has planned for Jesus. Yet, that is US so often. Thinking of our needs first and God’s plans second (if we consider them at all). No wonder we are in trouble so often. So, you may want to print out this verse card to be that reminder to keep ‘First things First’… to let God be God as He works His hand of love through your life and into the lives of others. It is a wonderful place to be… in the hands of a loving God. Try it and see!

As we come to the end of your monthly prayer list, we always ask that you now pray for that one person who you know that REALLY needs to have Jesus in their lives. It may be a friend, relative, co-worker, etc. You know who it is… you may have been praying for them for a long time… keep at it. We do not always know God’s timing, but we are tasked to share His love to those in need. Be that blessing to them. Tell them that you pray for them. Let them know that you do not want them to be lost for all of eternity. Be authentic with them. Stay blessed always. Pass it on so that NONE may be lost!

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