What about you…what do you say?

8:29 Mark “But what about you?" he asked. "Who do you say I am?" Peter answered, "You are the Messiah." (NIV)

Jesus gave the disciples a quiz by asking the question that was on people’s minds. He heard them give the answers which others were speculating about Him. He wanted more. He wanted their personal answers. He wanted to know if they were seeing the bigger picture in His purpose and direction. Peter stated it clearly. Yes, they were seeing it… at least a little of it. So, what would be your answer be to that question about who do people say that Jesus was? State your faith boldly and act as if it were all true… because it is!!

We ask that you extend this verse to friends and family. Ask if they have ever been asked to state who Jesus was. Ask if they were able to give a clear and concise answer to that question. Share with them the answer from Peter and what it means to have the Messiah that fulfilled all of the Old Testament prophesies. It is ALL Good News so be excited to tell that story of salvation. Next, Take Time For God’s Word© daily as you get asked tough questions or at 8:29 am or pm as recall this verse and Peter’s wise response. I like this verse and the question, “What about you?”. It makes it personal. It removes the layers of opinion, suggestions, speculations, etc. It comes down to you and your faith. It comes down to a personal testimony to what you believe. In the end, that’s what matters… what you believe about Jesus. So, save a photo of this verse card onto your phone in the album of Favorite Verses. Review those photos often. Send them to friends to cheer them up… or to help them through a tough situation. There are verses which can apply to many situations. Be one who shares the Good News by sending verses to those in need. You will be blessed as you are blessing others, too.

Now we pray for all of those who are involved in any way with the prison system within our country… guards, wardens, prisoners, families of the prisoners, victims, family of victims, etc. Sin takes many forms. Some sins leave scars that last a lifetime. They take loved ones from us… sometimes forever. It is painful. It is deep. It needs love… from you…and from a Savior. That is what we share… the love of Christ. Be that person to show His love. Help them wherever you can. Stay blessed in ALL that you do. Pass it on by declaring that Jesus is the Messiah… and He can save people from their sins! Hallelujah!

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