Blinded by the obvious…

8:18 Mark “Do you have eyes but fail to see, and ears but fail to hear? And don't you remember?" (NIV)

Jesus and the disciples had just fed more than 4000 men plus women and children. There were seven baskets of leftovers this time. Yet, on the boat across the lake the disciples are concerned that they only brought one loaf of bread. Talk about missing the bigger picture… they really missed it. That is why Jesus asks them in this verse to pay closer attention to the grand plan. He even tests them by asking how many baskets were leftover after each feeding event. Where is their faith? Where would our faith have been in that situation? Trust in Him!!

Please send along this verse to your friends on social media. Ask if they wonder sometimes if people fail to see or hear what is happening around them. Ask if they feel they need to remind people to ‘remember’ certain events or statements. Let them know that Jesus had a similar issue with the disciples who were right there with Jesus, but they missed it. They missed the eternal implications that Jesus shared with them. Let us be attentive to all that God is sharing with us each day and let us respond with love for others. Then, Take Time For God’s Word© frequently each day as you see people missing the point of the message or at 8:18 am or pm as you consider this verse and the slow-to-understand disciples. This time of year especially, take an extra minute or two to observe what’s going on around you. I had a guy in line tell the cashier to add to his bill the price of a Christmas tree for the lady behind him. He made that lady’s day and gave a great lesson in giving to her son. There are needs great and small all around us… let us do our part to share His love by our actions. Remember ALL that He has done for you… now go and do likewise to others!

Our prayers now extend to all the judges and those in our courts system across the country at all levels of government. We can be thankful that we have such methods of evaluating the guilt or innocence of a person based on the facts and witnesses. The women and men who preside over these cases give their best efforts to be fair and impartial. Thank them for their service. Let them know that you pray for them. They need to know that what they do matters to all of us. Do your part to serve on a jury if you are called to do so. Stay blessed to enjoy this time of year. Pass it on by sharing the beautiful message of the manager and the cross and the empty tomb… that really is Joy to the World!

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