Don’t stop telling others!

7:36 Mark “Jesus commanded them not to tell anyone. But the more he did so, the more they kept talking about it." (NIV)

Jesus healed a man that was deaf and mute. Jesus spoke the words that the mouth and ears were to be opened. They were. The man was overjoyed. Even though Jesus told the man to be quiet about it, he could not stop talking about what Jesus had done for him. It was a miracle. So, how about you… is there something that Jesus has done for you... something that you can’t stop talking about… then keep on sharing that Good News!

Please talk about this verse to family, friends, and ‘soon-to-be friends’. Ask if they have a favorite ‘lost-and-found’ story or ‘rescue event’ that they like to re-tell. Ask if they still get those same positive, uplifting feelings each time they tell it. Share with them any such stories from your life, too. When we can relate to people on a personal level, it makes it easier to talk with them about important topics. Knowing Jesus is a VERY important topic. Have that conversation soon. Always Take Time For God’s Word© day-by-day as you hear people telling their favorite story or at 7:36 am or pm as you think of this verse and the healing of deaf and mute man. When I encourage you to print out the ‘verse card’, just treat it like any photo and you can print it billfold size up to 8x10 or larger (if you have paper that size). The small ones are easier to print as a sheet of 8 or 10. The larger ones are great for a bulletin board or under a refrigerator magnet. The point is to keep them visible to you… and to the people around you. It is a silent way of sharing. That is until they ask you about why you do it and what it means to you. Great invitation to tell the Good News about Jesus. Do so boldly! Keep talking about it!

Each month in our prayer list, we remember all of those who have been impacted by severe weather events or other natural disasters… fires, floods, hurricanes, tornados, etc. It seems that the list keeps growing. The recovery time is months, years, or sometimes people just need to move on… they cannot afford to stay and rebuild. Support them and the organizations, churches, rescue teams that stay on to help people recover. Donate where you can. Volunteer if you can. Be the kind of blessing that you would want others to be if that were you in the same situation. Pass it on to everyone that you meet through a kind word… a helping hand… a friendly smile… and a giving heart. You will be blessed in the process!

On Dec 7th, we pause to remember all of those who lost their lives at Pearl Harbor and throughout WW II. We thank God for their bravery and sacrifice to ensure our freedoms.

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