To have or to have not…it is your choice…

4:25 Mark “For to the one who has, more will be given, and from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away.” (ESV)

These words are stated just after the Sower and the Seed parable. They are familiar words. We see them after the parable of the Talents being invested. While we most often apply them to things like money, they apply to most things in life. If you work to leverage your time, talents, and possessions wisely, they will grow and produce more value for you and others. If you squander your time, talents, and possessions, you will lose those and everything else that you have. Therefore, we need to be good stewards of what God gives to us. We must use it wisely and for His honor and glory. When we are proven faithful in a little, then more will be added to the mix of blessings. Let those blessings overflow to those around you.

Copy this blog post or copy the link to pass along this verse to family, friends, and co-workers in His kingdom. Ask if they have heard this verse before. Ask if they feel that it is true… and if that seems fair to them. Pay attention to how they answer the questions. The statement is true. It does not imply that it is fair. It is a choice that people make. Just like having faith in Jesus is a choice. It has a positive outcome. Not choosing Jesus is a choice with a VERY different and painful outcome. People make that choice… people then receive the consequences for those decisions. Take Time For God’s Word© throughout each day and see that you are seeking positive responses or at 4:25 pm as you think of this verse and your actions as you make choices. This is again a verse card for you to photograph and store it on your phone or tablet device. Depending on your personality and discipline, you may want to refer to this verse quite often. Be reminded of your blessings. Be open to receiving more. Be planning on how you will share those blessings. Be the kind of steward that God can trust to help grow the kingdom. He helps us to never stop growing!

Our prayers also cover all the physicians, doctors, PA’s, RN’s, Lab Techs, etc. that provide for our care in offices or clinics around the communities. They see us when we are sick or injured and care for us in those times. They see us when we feel we are healthy or well. They want to make sure that we are caring for ourselves and that there aren’t any hidden issues to address. They want our overall health to be good. They know that we will enjoy life more if we are healthy. Tell them that you appreciate their services. Tell them that you pray for them. That is important. Stay well and stay blessed always. Pass it along to help people in whatever state of faith or lack of faith they may have… help them to grow closer to God…forever!

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