Do you hear Jesus speaking to you?

4:09 Mark “Then Jesus said, "Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear."“ (NIV)

Jesus teaches from a boat near the shoreline. The crowds keep pushing closer to hear Him. He talks about the Sower and the Seed… basically where the seed falls and what happens to it. Not all seed produces a crop. But, the good seed that falls on fertile soil produces 30, 60, or even 100 times what took root and that grew. We need to hear His Word and share it with others if we want to see it grow and mature as well. Hear His Word and then take action to share it with others.

Please provide this verse to family, friends, and neighbors…anyone who will hear it. Ask if they know people who have a hearing problem. Ask them if they know others who have a listening problem…they aren’t always the same. We do have ears so we should be open and attentive to hear what the Lord is telling us to do. We need to take it to heart. We need to share it with others so that it is multiplied and spread to many who need to hear it. Always Take Time For God’s Word© as you any news broadcast or at 4:09 pm and hear this verse in your mind and that we are to hear God’s voice speaking to our hearts. The parable of the sower and the seed is a great lesson. The comparisons that Jesus shares later with the disciples make it understandable to all of us. We know people in each of those types of ‘soil’ and the results that come from the various places that the seed lands. Be good soil and produce abundant results. Be ready to hear His voice speaking to you through various verses. Often, we only understand the message when we go through trials or troubles. Stay tuned in to ALL that He shares with you as you seek to serve Him each day.

Our prayers extend to all the Christian preschools and day schools across the country. These schools give their students and parents plenty of opportunities to hear the Good News along with their other classroom subjects. The message of the cross needs to be reinforced outside the classroom in order for the lessons to have their full impact. We need to live what we believe. We need to stand up for it. We need to share it passionately and compassionately. Do so often. Stay blessed to be a blessing to those around you. Pass it on through acts of love and kindness and make it clear for all to hear the Good News!

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