It is good to have family!

3:35 Mark “Whoever does God's will is my brother and sister and mother.“ (NIV)

Jesus in healing people with a crowd outside the house where He is staying. When told that His mother and brothers were outside to see Him, Jesus responded with this verse. He is not distancing Himself from them but rather He is being more inclusive to the rest of us. If we trust in God and believe that Jesus died for our sins, then we are part of the family of God. What an amazing gift that is for us. We have close family all over the world!

Please route this verse friends and family wherever they are. Ask if they have any close relatives living in other parts of the world. Ask if they have had any recent contact with them. We expect that if someone reaches out to you and they are part of the family that you will be kinder and more generous to them. That is how we are treated…we are blessed … we are forgiven … we are restored. Continue to Take Time For God’s Word© as you think of your family or at 3:35 pm and remember our verse and that we are part of the family of God. This may be a verse that you put as a Reminder on your phone. Set it for 3:35 pm with the text, “Whoever does God’s will is my brother and sister…”. I know for me, I am always grateful for the family that I grew up in and the family that we have now. They are such a blessing to me. I only hope that I am also a blessing to them. Welcome to the family!!

Each month in our prayer cycle, we pray for all the Sunday School teachers in our churches and fellowship groups. They play an important role in the Christian growth and development of our kids and grandkids. They make the stories from the Bible come alive. They provide fun projects to keep the children engaged AND to bring home items which the kids can share with their parents. Please support these teachers. Offer to help if you can. Encourage them. Bless them as they are a major blessing to so many others. If you are (or have been) a Sunday School teacher… THANK YOU!! Now, let us all pass it on to the rest of our ‘family in faith’ and to those yet to join the ‘family’.

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