His kingdom is not divided…

3:24 Mark “If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.“ (NIV)

Jesus continued to drive out demons and unclean spirits from people. The demons knew who He was, yet Jesus rebuked them from speaking about it. Others tried to use the argument that He could only drive out the demons because He was aligned with evil. Jesus used several parables to show that logic was false and made no sense. We know that He is the Son of God and He has total authority over all things. That is why people had faith… they had seen the miracles that He could do… and they believed in His love and in His power. How about you?

Please send this verse to friends nearby and far away. Ask if they have heard this verse before. Ask if it makes sense that you cannot have divided loyalties and still succeed as a single kingdom or country. Let them know that God’s kingdom is united. We follow one true God. We believe in Jesus who died that we might live. We believe in His resurrection. We believe in eternal life. Let them know that you will gladly tell them more. Next, Take Time For God’s Word© as you see countries divided in their thinking or at 3:24 pm and then recite this verse and how Jesus did what God had intended. People became so focused on the healing from Jesus that they were missing the point of His arriving to become the sacrifice for their sins. Keep a photo of this verse card on your phone so that you can review it often. You may be able to recall it just by the word ‘divided’. We see the impacts even in our own political situation. Keep praying for unity in our purpose and in our decisions.

Please pray for all our ministers, pastors, and lay leaders in our churches and in our fellowship groups. The world is watching. The world is expecting that we will fall. They want to show that Christians make mistakes… that we fail… that we are not perfect… AND they are right. We claim that we are sinners… saved by grace. We can only believe based on His incredible love for us. That is how we stay united in our commitment… to Him and to each other. Stay blessed. Pass it on with great faith in His plans for you and for all His people.

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