Do good…even on the Sabbath…

3:04 Mark “Then Jesus asked them, "Which is lawful on the Sabbath: to do good or to do evil, to save life or to kill?" But they remained silent.“ (NIV)

Jesus sees a man who has a withered hand…He knows what He must do. Even though it was the Sabbath, Jesus did what was right. He asked the man to stretch out his hand… when he did what Jesus asked, the hand was completely healed. Good things happen when we do what Jesus asks us to do. So, what are you asked to do today? Do good… save life… are always good places to start in serving others. You will be blessed in doing His will!

Please route this verse to family, friends, and co-workers in His kingdom. Ask if they had the power to heal others, would they do that freely. Ask how they would react if others doubted their ability or criticized them for doing good. Listen to their responses. We often forget how people reacted to Jesus healing miracles… crowds sought for Him everywhere…they wanted healing. Religious leaders wanted to see Him make a mistake so they could condemn Him and His new teachings. Please remember to Take Time For God’s Word© as you see people needing a miracle or at 3:04 pm and then recall this verse and how Jesus did what was right…always. The activity (the healing) in this verse happened on a Sabbath. Again, we are reminded to focus on doing what is right… doing what saves lives… not just focused on what others think. If we remember to do God’s will, then we can be at peace with our acts of love and service. There will be some who criticize and who find fault in such acts of kindness. Ignore them. Our ONLY focus needs to be on doing what God has called us to do for Him. Continue to do good… always work to save life… be bold in your witness for Him!

Take a moment today to pray for any missionaries that you know from your church or from other activities in your life. They need to know that their work matters. Reach out to them… text… email… phone call… letter… care package… whatever works for you. Be a blessing to them as they are proclaiming His name to those who need it most.

As this is Veteran’s Day (11/11/2019) in the USA, please also make it a point to thank those who have served our country through their military service. Tell them THANK YOU! Keep them always in your prayers. We enjoy great freedoms and relative safety because of their efforts. If you are a Veteran, May you now be blessed as a peacemaker!

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