Remember the Sabbath day…

2:27 Mark “Then he said to them, "The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.” “ (NIV)

The Pharisees were always trying to trap Jesus or His disciples. In this set of verses from Mark, they are pointing out that the disciples did ‘work’ on the Sabbath by crushing a few grains of wheat for food and they did not ‘wash’ properly before their meal. Jesus reminded them that David and his men had done something similar when they needed food. Jesus pointed out to them (and to us) that we need to keep the Sabbath holy for rest and time in worship. Keep the main thing… the main thing. Let us do so each time we come to worship… focus on the God who created it ALL for us!

Please give this verse to your friends and family. Ask if they had special ‘rules’ in their house when they were growing up about what you could or could not do on the Sabbath day. Ask if they still enforce those same rules with their family or children. Pay close attention to see how they answer. Remind them of Jesus words in our verse about how we are to rest and to take time to worship and give thanks God. Next, Take Time For God’s Word© as you think of Sunday activities or at 2:27 pm and consider this verse and how Jesus replied to the Pharisees. This verse happens to be our focus on a Sunday so it may be easier to recall it for today. Then, you could set it as a Reminder for each Sunday. It will get your focus back on God and less about other activities (e.g. football games, shopping, dinner out with family, etc.). While there may be other things that we need to do, we only need to make sure that our priorities are on ‘rest and worship’… keep it holy for Him!!

Our prayers continue for all of the global mission organizations like World Vision (Federal Way, WA). They provide services and support for some of the poorest children around the world. Each year, I enjoy getting their Christmas catalog and selecting gifts that I can give AND I ask others to get me gifts from that catalog instead of personal presents. I KNOW that those families will get more use out of food, clothes, or live animals than I will from another necktie or slippers. It is one of my favorite things to do each Christmas season. Support them if you can. Give to or through other charities, if you are able. It is the season of giving… just as God gave Jesus to us. Stay blessed and thankful always. Pass it on by inviting others to attend your church or fellowship group. They may be eternally grateful that you did!

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