Once forgiven, get up and GO!…

2:11 Mark “Stand up, pick up your mat, and go home!” (NLT)

People crowd around Jesus to be healed. Four men create an opening in the roof of the home and lower their friend to be in front of Jesus for healing. Jesus asks if it is easier to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven’ or to say ‘Get up, take your mat, and walk’. He has the power to say both. He offers the words of healing. He sees the faith and commitment of his friends to bring the man to Jesus. Do we have that same commitment to bring our friends to meet Jesus? Do we believe that He will heal them and help them? Let our faith grow stronger so that we do that… regularly!

Please forward this verse to family, friends, and neighbors. Ask them if they have ever pushed through a crowd to be up close to the front. Ask them why that was so important and if it was worth it in the end. Share with them this verse and how friends did everything they could to get their sick friend in front of Jesus for healing. That is how strong their faith was in Jesus. Let that be how strong our faith is, too! Continue to Take Time For God’s Word© as you see people who are sick or crippled or at 2:11 pm and know this verse and how the man was healed by Jesus. This is another x.11 verse (like 4-1-1 or 9-1-1). Just like 4-1-1 is the number for ‘information’ and 9-1-1 is the number for ‘help’, make 2-1-1 (2:11) become the number (in your mind) for ‘healing’. Then, when you see the number 2-1-1, you will recall 2:11 Mark and how the healed man was told to, “Stand up, pick up your mat, and go home!”. It shows that once we are healed by Jesus, we must act differently, and we must tell others about it. So, what are we waiting for…’stand up, pick up your mat, and go home’… and tell them about what Jesus has done for YOU!

Our prayers now extend to all the police, fire fighters, emergency personnel, etc. in our communities and around the country. They protect us and care for us around the clock. They are willing to risk their lives to protect our lives. Be sure to thank them for such service. Let them know that you are praying for them. Support their families as well. Be there for them in times of need. Stay blessed in ALL that you do for Him. Pass it on by bringing friends to Jesus for healing and forgiveness.

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