People watch to see what Jesus can do…

1:33 Mark “The whole town gathered at the door to watch." (NLT)

Do you ever get the feeling that you are being watched? You should… because you are. No, not by the government or some spy agency… we are being watched by non-Christians to see how a Christian would act or re-act to the situation. They hope to see a miracle… anything that would tell them that Jesus has supreme powers that can heal and restore people…they want to see for themselves. They also want to know that His love and His power could touch their lives, too. People are still looking for the love which only He can give them. They often look in the wrong places. Help them to see Him and let them see Him working through you as well. We KNOW that Christianity is not a spectator sport… we are ‘in it to win it’ (and Christ did that for us)!

Copy this blog or this link to send along this verse to family, friends, and neighbors. Ask them if they were ever in a large group of people to see some important person or event. Ask how people acted in anticipation of that person being there or that event getting started. Hear what they have to say. Then share with them how it was for Jesus when the crowds followed after Him and they brought people to Him to be healed. Let them know that there are still people searching for meaning in their lives… and that Jesus is what they are truly seeking. Remember to Take Time For God’s Word© as you see large crowds gathered or at 1:33 pm and recall this verse and how Jesus drew crowds looking to be healed. Like our verse yesterday (Mark 1:28), this is more of an ‘action verse’ as well. It is here to keep us mindful that people are watching to see how we act, and do we engage in things that are consistent with the message of Jesus. They want to see that His love shows through us. They want to see if we reach out to those in need. They want to see if we treat others fairly and with compassion. They was to see if we do what we believe. Show them His love in ALL that you do. They will tell others!

We continue to pray for all the judges, court staff, and legal personnel who work on our behalf to administer our laws in a fair and just manner. Through the years, there have been thousands of laws and statues established to help protect us and our rights. It can be overwhelming. We trust that when we need help, that we will have the protections and support that we need. Let them know that you appreciate what they do. Let them know that you pray for them. Support them by serving on a jury if you are called to do so. Stay blessed (and out of trouble, please) in all that you do! Pass it on to the ‘whole town’ around you that still seeks to find out what Jesus can do in their lives… so, tell them!

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