Do you help spread the Good News?

1:28 Mark “News about him spread quickly over the whole region of Galilee." (NIV)

What causes you to share news with others? Is it the magnitude of the story? Is it the impact to people or places that you are concerned about? Is it the seriousness (or humor) of the idea that prompts you to pass it along to others? In Jesus time, people were attracted to His teaching and the authority with which He spoke. Yet, when they saw Him cast out a demon from a man possessed, that definitely got their attention. They hadn’t seen that before. As a result, they told others…who told others… and so on. We don’t know if that took days or weeks or months to spread throughout the region. Today, it can happen in minutes or hours via the Internet, Cable TV, Radio, Cell phones, and Social Media channels. We need to use every means possible to share the Good News… and to share it often. It is the same awesome message with the same eternal benefits…that is worth sharing!!

Please forward this verse to friends nearby or around the world. Ask them when was the last time that they shared a news story with their friends (not a joke, meme, or funny photo). Ask what caused them to want to pass that story on to others. Listen to how they respond and to what story they chose to send. Let them know that there is still Good News that needs to be shared. This is not just a momentary story or idea…this has life-changing value and eternal consequences related to it. Let them know what it has done for you. Next, Take Time For God’s Word© as you see or listen to the ‘news’ or at 1:28 pm and think of this verse and how the Good News of Jesus has spread. We have had some wonderful ‘memory’ verses recently from Mark. This is more of an ‘action’ verse…as it reminds us that we are to take action to spread the story of Jesus to those who still do not know Him. It reminds us that with just a ‘click’ on ‘Like’ or ‘Share’ the message can be passed on to those we know. It is amazing that sometimes silly photos or stories or jokes go viral… and yet the Gospel message goes relatively unnoticed. As we often say… Pass it on!

Our prayers especially go out to all those people impacted by severe weather related (e.g. rains, snows, flooding, etc.) events. We especially think of the people throughout California with the many large and damaging wildfires which they have experienced recently. Some have had only moments to gather family and belongings to flee from the raging blazes. Many come home to only charred remains of their homes or businesses. Support them if you can. Help if you are able. Volunteer in any way that you can to help people deal with such massive impacts. Be a blessing to them. Pass it on with the Good News of Jesus Christ… His story never gets old and is worth telling anyone that you know!

As a final reminder, the verse of the day is re-posted to at the time of the verse (e.g. 1:28pm). This shorter reminder will help you to anchor in the verse and to “Take Time For God’s Word” later in the day. FYI. Stay blessed always then go be a blessing to others!

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