Mind your tongue and what you say…

3:08 James “but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison." (NIV)

James shows us how a small spark can start a raging fire. A small rudder on a large boat can steer it. And our tongue can start wars and can fuel conflicts by what it says and by the deceit that it may hide. He is right that we really cannot control it completely. All it takes is a wrong word or a lying statement and it can do a world of damage… literally. Guard your tongue and pick your words carefully. Let His love be your focus and then speak of that love to others.

Please give this verse to any of your friends who may need to be reminded to watch what they say. Ask if they have ever said the wrong thing and started an argument as a result. Ask if it was easy to stop that argument OR if that word kept coming up and it kept them from reaching peace. Christians should be good examples of speaking words of love and kindness…yet, we fail at it as well. That is why we need to keep our tongue under control. Ask Him to help and make it a priority. Always Take Time For God’s Word© during the day and at 3:08 am/ pm or as you speak kind words of love and as you guard your tongue. Set a Reminder at 3:08pm with the title, ‘tame the tongue…’. Then think about words that you have said that day. Were they always loving and kind? Were they true and helpful? Did you have the best intentions when you said them? Can you do better in the future? It may be a life-long process to fully control your words and to make them praise-worthy. Yet, it is SO important to your witness to others and to God’s glory. Work to tame your tongue.

We again pray for all the youth ministers and youth leaders in our churches and our fellowship groups. They are ministering to the next generations of church goers and church leaders. We need for them to speak the clear message to our kids and grandkids. We need for them to present the love of Christ to a generation which has always had computers, TVs, cable channels, etc. They have so many distractions to deal with in order to get our youth to focus on Christ and His love. Help them to succeed. Support them. Volunteer to help where you can. Tell them that you are praying for them… it is that important. Stay blessed and be a blessing. Pass it on with words of encouragement and praise and let your tongues be given words which glorify God.

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