Be alive in your faith!

2:26 James “As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead." (NIV)

James makes a strong comparison. He gets his point across. We cannot sit by and watch. We must be active in our faith. Our faith must show clearly in what we do. Does your faith do that? Does it make a difference every day? Do others see any difference in the way you act compared to anybody else? Tough questions. They are meant to be. Just as we are meant to be different… set aside for a purpose… called into service… called to be children of God… called to be light in a dark world. Now is the time… ‘this very day is the day of salvation’… share that Good News with others. Put His love into action… your actions today!

Please extend this verse to all your friends…all over the world. Ask if they see any difference in the way Christians act and the way non-Christians act. Ask if ‘actions speak louder than words’ to them. We need to make a difference in this world. We need to show how the love of Christ changes everything… including us and how we act. Live boldly for Him. Act like the world is watching YOU to see what Christ has done. Next, Take Time For God’s Word© throughout each day and at 2:26 am/ pm or as you live in His love and you let it show. For me, 2:26 will be easy to recall… as 2/26 was my dad’s birthday. What a great example of faith. He let the love of Christ show in his work…in his love for family… in his care for the community… and in all that he did for us. You may associate those numbers with memories of your own. That’s the point. Associate the numbers to things that are important so that when you recall those people or places or things… that the verse comes to mind. When it does, take a moment… Take Time For God’s Word. Those moments will encourage you to act upon His call to us. Let your faith grow… and let it show in ALL that you do. May your actions give glory to God.

Please continue to pray for all the ministers, pastors, and lay leaders in our churches and fellowship groups. They are called to lead people to Christ. They are commissioned to serve the body of believers to deepen their faith and to make a difference in this world. Pray for their families. Support them. Tell them that you pray for them often. They need to know that people stand with them in unity and in love. Be a blessing to them as they are a great blessing to so many others. Pass it on in faith by ALL that you say and ALL that you do for His kingdom and His glory!

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