Be a good imitator but never an imposter!

1:11 3 John “Dear friend, do not imitate what is evil but what is good. Anyone who does what is good is from God. Anyone who does what is evil has not seen God." (NIV)

We have all seen the ‘WWJD’ bracelets, pins, necklaces, etc. It simply asks, “What Would Jesus Do?” It is intended to remind the person wearing the jewelry to make decisions and to take actions based on the grace which Jesus showed to others. John is reminding fellow Christians that we should only imitate what is good. While that sounds obvious, we often see people imitating bad behaviors and bad habits. AND, we never want to be an imposter (i.e. someone who claims to be someone that they are not). We can always be ourselves… after all, Jesus died on the cross for us…so, we must have great value to Him. We can model our actions and words after those who are living effective lives in serving others AND who give God all the glory. Go. Be. Do. ALL to His praise!

PLEASE pass along this verse to all of your friends on social media. Ask who they are imitating in their lives. Ask why they picked that person and what is the one characteristic that they want to imitate the most. Let them know why it is good to imitate what Christ did while on this earth. He followed His Father’s will and performed many acts of kindness, healing, and service wherever He went. Now, Take Time For God’s Word© every day and at 1:11 am/ pm or as you watch people imitating others, then recall this verse and imitate Christ. This may be easy to remember because it is in 3rd John and it has three ones as the reference number. It may also be a good one to print out and to keep with your credit cards or cash. We often need to be reminded of who we are and whose we are when it comes to how we spend our money. If we give God the first fruits and then if we pay ourselves (i.e. savings), we can then learn to live on the rest. If you are like most of us, when we do that, there is no extra money left to imitate evil. Continue to do good as a witness to ALL the good He has given to you.

We pray for all the youth outreach ministries and missions within out churches and fellowship groups. Summer is barely over and already they are having meetings and planning sessions about NEXT summer’s trips and outreach events. They can hardly wait to go again. It is SO EXCITING to see the youth realize the great joy that comes from serving others. Many need to raise their own funds to go on these trips. They work MANY special activities and spend lots of time in preparation. Yet, they can see the benefits and the impact that their time on these trips brings to others… others who desperately need a helping hand. Support your youth who go on these trips. Encourage them in their fund-raisers. Ask them to share their experiences with you…(they would love to). Continue to be a great blessing to them as they are learning how to be a blessing to others. Pass it on by imitating what is good and what God leads you to copy from other believers.

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