Providing the best for our children…

1:04 3 John “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth." (NIV)

As the years fly by, we realize that the time the we have with our kids and grandkids goes very quickly. We need to be intentional about how we interact with them. We need to make sure we are giving them the best advice and information possible. We need to make sure that they are learning to know Jesus as Savior and as Friend. While we can give them many other things, knowing Jesus seems to rank the highest because that relationship lasts more than a lifetime. If He is watching over them, they will have all that they need. Take the time to share what Jesus means to you. It is a story that they may remember forever!

Please forward this verse to family, friends, and neighbors. Ask about their number one goal for their children or grandchildren. Ask how they are doing at achieving that goal for their family members. Listen carefully to their answers. Remind them that our goal is to help them to know Jesus as their own personal savior. Share with them the ways that you are doing that. Continue to make it a priority. Always Take Time For God’s Word© each day and at 1:04 am/ pm or as you think of your children, then consider this verse. This may be a good Reminder for your phone at 1:04 pm with the title “3 John 1:04 I have no greater joy…” We do receive great joy from our children. We get it when we hear they are doing well. We get it when we see them helping others. We get it when we know that they are walking in the truth by following Jesus. Keep that a priority in their lives. Continue to be an example of Christian living and giving. They will want to have that in their lives, too.

Our prayers today go out for all the homeless shelters and outreach ministries to the homeless. One of our Facebook followers has set up Love & Loaves (Albany, GA) about 3 hours from Atlanta. Amanda Lea Griffith has organized the preparation and sharing of more than 200+ hot home-cooked meals per week, plus clothes, and toiletries to share with those who need it. They will help to find homes for people and have even partnered with a dental care office to provide free services to those in need. It shows how an effective ministry can happen with the grace and help of God. Support them if you can. Keep them in your prayers. Help where you are able. Be that blessing to others. Pass it on to your children and to their children so that all may be walking in the truth of His love.

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