Be an overcomer against evil…

4:04 1 John “You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world." (NIV)

There are many who claim to the ‘the greatest’ at something. They want you to know who they are. They may even want you to follow them. Do not be tempted by their claims. We already know who is ‘the greatest’ at what matters most…we KNOW that Jesus is the greatest gift ever given. We KNOW that He is the only one who can provide us with eternal life. We KNOW that He is with us always. AND, we KNOW that ‘the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world’. You are already on the winning side with Christ… live that way each day!

PLEASE extend this verse to family, friends, and co-workers in His kingdom. Ask if they know who is ‘the greatest’ in a sport or a national figure or anyone else that they can think of. Ask why they are considered to be ‘the greatest’ Listen to their choices. Tell them about all the great things that Christ has done for them through His death and resurrection. Share the Good News often with them. Continue to Take Time For God’s Word© throughout each day and at 4:04 am/ pm when you hear the word ‘greatest’, then recall this verse and know that Christ is in you and that you have overcome sin. Set an Alarm on your phone for 4:04 pm with the title of “the one who is in your is greater… 1 John 4:04”. It is a great afternoon ‘pick-me-up’ (with no caffeine or calories). No matter what you have faced through the day, you can KNOW that Christ has overcome ALL of it and that you are His now…and forever. We can have confidence in this. We can have power through this. We can have courage to face ANYTHING because of this. Now, who will you tell about this Good News?

Our prayer focus for today is on all the hospitals and clinics including all their staff and patients. We are thankful for the large number of facilities and the physicians, nurses, staff who provide services for the injured, the sick, the newborns, and those who may be dying. They provide care and compassion. They want healing and health for all of their patients. Let them know that you pray for them. Offer your thanks for their services. Volunteer there if you can. Be a blessing to those who are in the hospital. Show how much you care for them. Pass it on to a world that still needs to know that Christ is greater than anything else in this world.

For those of us in the USA, we pause to remember all who lost their lives in the 9/11/2001 attacks. We are mindful of our freedoms and the sacrifices that are made to protect those freedoms. May God bless America.

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