Jesus laid down His life for us!

3:16 1 John “This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters." (NIV)

We know many things because of experience…not to touch hot stoves…always watch for cars when crossing streets…wear warm clothes in Chicago winters…AND we know what love is. We know it because we have experienced it through knowing Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. His sacrifice for us proved that love. We would even sacrifice our lives to save a brother or sister. The power of Christ’s love can change the world IF we would let Him work in and through us. Be His love to others and see their world change…for good…and forever!

PLEASE pass along this verse to all your contacts on social media and on your email lists. Ask if they have heard of John 3:16. Ask if they have heard of 1 John 3:16. Be prepared to recite either verse for them. Both are great examples of the love of Christ given for us. Both are great introductions to discuss your faith in Jesus Christ. Continue to Take Time For God’s Word(c) each the day and at 3:16 am/ pm or when you think about love, think of this verse and His great love for you. You should set an Alarm on your phone for 3:16 pm every day so that you will recall John 3:16 or 1 John 3:16 or MANY other great verses at 3:16. Set it on vibrate so that it only alerts you… OR set a ringtone to a favorite Hymn or Christian song. When it rings, others may ask what was that set for AND you can now tell them about the verses…His love for them… and so much more. What a great opportunity to witness where THEY are asking to learn more. AND it is such a terrific afternoon break to spend a moment or two thinking about just how much God loves YOU!

We offer up our prayers of thanks for all of the Christian schools and pre-schools around the country. These schools name the name of Jesus each day. They share His love as they teach the school curriculum. They strive for excellence in all that they teach. They want the students to see that it is great to have faith and to be able to share that faith without being put down or rejected for it. Thank the teachers and staff for their efforts. Commend the parents and students at those schools. Support them where you can. Stay blessed to be a blessing to others. Pass it on to show the love of Christ to a world that still does not know Him as Lord.

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